“Beauty and the Beast” reviewed by Glendale News-Press
28 Jul 2010
The Glendale News-Press just posted a glowing review of Beauty and Beast at Glendale Centre Theatre:
Director Erin Villaverde has developed a fine eye for subtle detail. Gerrard can’t just sit and listen to the sad tale of Belle’s father (older pro Mario DiGregorio) — he has to sit on his bent over servant, that toady LaPew, (played by Derek Houck with more than a passing resemblance to a younger Wallace Shawn).
I encourage you to read the full review. Beauty and the Beast is playing every Saturday at 11am until November 20th. The Glendale Centre Theatre is located at 324 North Orange Street, Glendale, California 91203. Tickets can be reserved by calling (818) 244-8481.